[robocup-rescue-s] moving around

From: Sarvapali Dyanand Ramchurn <sdr@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Date: Tue 23 May 2006 - 08:16:55 GMT

Dear all,

We are not sure about the way the traffic simulator works. Does it allow
you to specify multiple destinations in a route plan? What i mean by
this is that: does it allow an agent to move from road A to Building X
back to road A then to Building Y and then back to road A then to
building Z.

If it were able to do this, would the agent be able to 'sense' anything
in each building while being in the buildings one after the other? Or
will it only sense things when it reaches the end of its routeplan?



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Received on Tue May 23 10:40:04 2006

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