Re: [robocup-rescue-s] *uregent* Re: LogViewer 49.4

From: Cameron Skinner <>
Date: Wed 03 May 2006 - 20:59:10 GMT


>>(2) how to create new gisinit.files.
>>The format of gisinit.file has changed from 48.* to 49.*.
>>Is there a tool corresponding JGISEdit or
>>is there any way to convert a gisinit,file creadted 48.* to 49.* ?

It's not that the format of the gisini.txt file has changed, but the IDs
have been modified so that they are unique. There is a (mostly
incomplete) tool in the rescuecore library for creating scenarios, but
I've just tried to use it and it appears to be broken.

I will see if I can fix it in the next couple of hours.

In the meantime, here is a workaround:

Each entry in the gisini.txt file is of the form "Name<number> =

For example, FireStation0 = 3,1,5165,22926500,3795600,-1,0,0,0

The only value that is actually used in most cases is <ID> (in the
example 5165). This is the ID of the building that contains that fire

You can manually replace the ID with the value you prefer - it just
needs to be a real ID.

You can get a list of Node, Road and Building IDs by adding the
following lines to in the GIS:

LOG_INFO("Road id: %d, length%d",road->id(),road->getLength()); at line 220
LOG_INFO("Node id: %d",node->id()); at line 241
LOG_INFO("Building id: %d",building->id()); at line 293

The GIS will then print out a list of all IDs when it starts, along with
road lengths.

Obviously refuges, fires and agent centres should only be assigned
building IDs. Civilians and platoon agents can have any location ID, but
if you put them on a road then you need to add the "positionExtra" entry
to the gisini.txt entry.

For example:


The 6th entry (6000) is the positionExtra value. You can change this to
any x such that 0 <= x <= road length.

Sorry this is such a painful process - I will let you know as soon as I
get the ScenarioMaker tool working again.


Cameron Skinner
Artificial Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science
The University of Auckland
phone: +64 9 3737599 x82924
fax: +64 9 3737453
Department of Computer Science
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
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Received on Wed May 03 23:15:24 2006

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