Re: [robocup-rescue-s] *uregent* Re: LogViewer 49.4

From: Tomoichi Takahashi <>
Date: Wed 03 May 2006 - 11:03:36 GMT


We missed Cameron's mail annoucing int size in,
and solved (1) logviewer issue.

We are looking forward to replying (2) gisinit issue.

Best regards,


Tomoichi Takahashi wrote:

>It seems that I mailed a wrong address.
>I send again it.
>>From tomorrow, we hava RoboCup Japan Open.
>And we are preparing to use 49.4.
>Please give advices *ASAP*
>(1) how to use logviewer:
>we cannot replay logfiles output from 49.4 kernel.
>(2) how to create new gisinit.files.
>The format of gisinit.file has changed from 48.* to 49.*.
>Is there a tool corresponding JGISEdit or
>is there any way to convert a gisinit,file creadted 48.* to 49.* ?
>Thanks in advance.
>Tomoichi Takahashi wrote:
>>>Our team has troubles running .logviewer offline.
>>>Some debug statements are added in
>>>Could you give us some hints ?
>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>ttaka@TakaYYY boot$ ./ rescue.log
>>>Number of entries: 7426
>>>entry: 0 keysize=196
>>>entry: 0 valueSize=1275068416
>>>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>>>ttaka@TakaYYY viewer$ ls -l /home/ttaka/Rescue/rescue-0.49.4/boot/rescue.log
>>>-rw-rw-r-- 1 ttaka ttaka 527102 April 23 23:48
>>>ttaka@TakaYYY viewer$ less -N
>>>56 if (logHeader.equals(FILE_TYPE_NAME_2)) {
>>>57 // Show the parameters
>>>58 int count = m_dis.readInt();
>>>59 System.out.println("Number of entries: "+count);
>>>60 for (int i=0;i<count;++i) {
>>>61 int keySize = m_dis.readInt();
>>>62 System.out.println(" entry: "+i + " keysize="+keySize);
>>>63 byte[] keyData = new byte[keySize];
>>>65 int valueSize = m_dis.readInt();
>>>66 System.out.println(" entry: "+i + " valueSize="+valueSize);
>>>67 byte[] valueData = new byte[valueSize];
>>>69 System.out.print(new String(keyData));
>>>70 System.out.print(" = ");
>>>71 System.out.println(new String(valueData));
>-- Tomoichi Takahashi, Dr. Eng. Meijo University, Department of
>Information Sciences 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku, Nagoya, 468-8502
>JAPAN fax: + 81 52 832 1298 e-mail:

Tomoichi Takahashi, Dr. Eng.
 Meijo University, Department of Information Sciences
 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku, Nagoya, 468-8502  JAPAN
 fax: + 81 52 832 1298
-- --
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Received on Wed May 03 13:21:22 2006

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