[robocup-rescue-s] install 3Dviewer

From: maria pato gonzalez <tr1n1t1_01@mixmail.com>
Date: Wed 09 Nov 2005 - 17:54:30 GMT

hallo roborescuers...

frist thanks for your help with my simulator 0_48... now it´s runnig ... but
I have a new problem... i try to install 3Dviewer.
I have install:

I have install without problems with yaST ( the installer program of SUSE)
but when I try to install 3D (./configure) I recived the following mensagge:

 configure:error:Can´t find OSG headers

I just change PATH and  LD_LIBRARY_PATH but the problem continues...
I read config.log and appear a lot of errors like:
  /usr/local/include/osg/GL:94 systax error before ')' token

My gcc compiler it´s 3.3.5...



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Received on Wed Nov 09 19:16:11 2005

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