Some questions about YabAPI

From: baris.eker (
Date: Tue 31 Aug 2004 - 09:35:56 GMT

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to develop a system for Robocup Rescue Simulation League
using YabAPI. I'm not clear at some points and need help.

1-As far as I can see, world model of an agent is automatically
updated by the API. I mean, kernel sends vision info every time
unit to agents and API integrates this info to its world model,
and I need to do nothing for that. Am I correct? Also, the world
model of agents are different, aren't they?
2-Which civilians need rescuing? Only buried civilians? Civilians that
have damage but not buried also need rescuing, don't they? I
mean with rescuing, both rescuing from buriedness and taking
civilian to the refuge.
3-I'm finding civilians by exploring around. While exploring,
The civilians that are close to me are added to agent's world model as
far as I can see. However, when I hear from a "help_me" message
from a civilian I can get its "id" but not its buriedness, if
it is not "seen" before. However in order to rescue them, I need
to know their positions. How can I reach to the civilians that
I can hear but don't know their positions?

I will be glad, if somebody can answer these questions.

Best regards,
Baris Eker

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