Re: [rescue:5475] Some question to robocup rescue

Date: Thu 26 Sep 2002 - 16:04:35 GMT

  • Next message: Nathan Schurr: "How do you cast an integer to building?"

    Dear Ingo,

    > 1.) Maybe it is a bug in our code but i only get the position of the agents
    > which are already connecteted to the kernel.

    At the initialization phase, the kernel doesn't send the positions of
    any agents except for the connecting agent. Perhaps your agents share
    the knowledge, so your agent know the positions of the connected agents.

    > 2.) The second thing I want to know is the maximum Distance an Agent can go
    > in one round.

    See traffic/README.txt

    > 3.) What are the condition (distance, relative position etc) which an Agent
    > should fulfill to perform his actions (e.g loadCivilian, unloadCivilian,
    > rescueCivilian, openRoad, extinguishFire)

    The following are the restriction by the kernel for the default
    config.txt. It means that it is required to satisfy the restriction at
    least, and it may or may not be sufficient; The simulators may reject
    the command according to another reason.

    All commands:
        - The agent should be a center (a fire station, an ambulance center,
          or a police office), or
        - The agent should not be dead (i.e., should have more than zero HP).

    All commands except for AK_SAY, AK_TELL, and AK_REST:
        - The buriedness property should be zero.

    AK_SAY and AK_TELL:
        - The message should <= 512 (the say_max_bytes parameter).

        - The agent should not be a center.
        See traffic/README.txt for details.

        - The agent should be a fire brigade.
        - The length between the fire brigade and the target building
          should <= 30 meters (max_extinguish_length).
        - The extinguished building should be fired.
        - The quantity for the extinguish should be < 1000 (max_extinguish_power).

        - The loader should be an ambulance team.
        - The loadee should be an agent and should not be a center.
        - The buriedness of the loadee should be zero.
        See traffic/README.txt

        - no restriction by the kernel.
        See traffic/README.txt

        - no restriction by the kernel.

        - no restriction by the kernel.
        (a legacy command, not used.)

    Tetsuhiko Koto

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