[robocup-rescue-s] new kernel

From: Utku Tatlędede <utkutatlidede@gmail.com>
Date: Wed 03 May 2006 - 05:46:34 GMT

Dear all,
I have solved my problem about the kernel after realizing that the
0.49.4kernel log has detailed information about the error. Thanks for
your help.
However I still have som problems / questions about the new version.
1- My machine is a P4 3000 with 1GB memory which can easliy run the kernel
and the clients on the same machine. The kernel only uses %20-%30 of the CPU
resorces when running 0.48, however I realized that the kernels in the last
to versions of the 0.49.* use %50 -%70 of the CPU resource. This means my
machine's CPU's %100 all the time and simulation runs very slowly. Is that
normal? If it is beacuse of a debug release can we get a production release?
2- There are cases where the firebrigades tries to extinguish for very very
far places, even from one side to the other side of the map, which I have
never seen such thing in previous versions.
3- The civilians go to the refuges by themselves. is that normal?

Best regards...

robocup-rescue-s mailing list
Received on Wed May 03 08:05:34 2006

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