Re: Proposal[Part #1: Simulation Environment]

From: Mathias Exner (
Date: Mon 15 Dec 2003 - 22:04:54 GMT

> Example 1: agent went from node 1531 to node 1303. Kernel stopped him on
> road 528. PositionExtra is 6634. 1531 is tail of road 528, length of road
> is 13000.
> Everything seems OK if positionExtra is zero on the head of the road.
Yes, a positionExtra of zero corresponds to the head of the road.

> Example 2: agent went from node 1388 to node 927. Kernel stopped him on
> road 583. PositionExtra is 3123. 1388 is head of road 583, length of road
> 927 is 6000. But the agent stands behind the middle (behind blockade) of
> the road.
I checked this and according to my tool, the length of Road 583 is 6248.
As middle position for this road we thus get if 3124, so a positionExtra
of 3123 is nearer to the head, which is correct.

Why the positionExtra is so close to the middle could have different
reasons, e.g. the agent was stopped because of movement restriction (the
agent may not be able to complete the movement in one turn because the
path was too long), because of other agents, that blocked his movement
or because there was only a small block.

Other (perhaps more) important missing features would be:
* Information about why the movement stopped,
   e.g. blockade, end of movement or other agents
* Information of the objects (roads, nodes and buildings) actually
   moved over.

Hope this helped,


Mathias Exner
ResQ-Freiburg Team

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