joining the robocup mailinglist

From: Ingo Thon (
Date: Mon 02 Sep 2002 - 21:45:06 GMT

I want to join the robocup mailing list.
I'm member of a projekt from the at the university in freiburg (germany). We
are trying to develop agents for the german sciencedays.

I also have an question for the list:
Maybe it is a bug in our code but i only get the position of the agents
which are already connecteted to the kernel.
In "my eyes" it is illogical. either I get the Position of all agents (also
the Position of the agents which are not connected) or i get only the
Position of the agent which are in the field of vision of the agent.
I would be appreciative if you can answer me if it should be like this (and
why it is coded this way), or if it is an error in our code

thanx (in advance?) and sorry for my bad englisch
Ingo Thon

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