Traffic simulator ver.0.21 available

From: Morimoto Takeshi (
Date: Tue 04 Jun 2002 - 05:21:06 GMT

Dear all,

I released the traffic simulator ver.0.21 which works in exactly the
same with the ver.0.20. The different parts from the ver.0.20 are:
 - README because of a typo and,
 - The PositionHistory property for a viewer.

(1) Typo in README
There was a typo about the definition of a blockade at IV.(2-1) in the
  "road.aliveLinesTo... := min(0, road.linesTo... - road.blockedLines)"
should be
  "road.aliveLinesTo... := max(0, road.linesTo... - road.blockedLines)".
Special thanks: Mr.Asai who told me this typo.

(2) PositionHistory Property
I change the structure of PositionHistory property into the same with
the Atsumi traffic simulator's so that a viewer does not need any

Best regards,

Takeshi Morimoto
Ikuo Takeuchi Laboratory,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Electro-Communications

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