Different widgets might require you to use different attributes.

From: ball <rfnvfb@agriculture.gouv.fr>
Date: Tue 13 Mar 2007 - 18:33:40 GMT

You can add translations by creating new ResourceBundle objects for each target locale. Sun consultants carefully analyze users' business objectives, business processes, and operational requirements, and then architect and implement a solution based on the users' unique environment.
kshIf the root account's password is expired, one of the problems is that cron will not function properly, and it may not be apparent that this is the cause. The application has been extracted from the tutorial foruse in these articles.
Get a jumpstart on using Java technology-based tools to build polished mobile applications. 5, you should manually update the project's layout to use the new Java SE 6 platform libraries.
Add localizable resource bundles in the Projectspane. Project jMaki comes with many common widgets already wrapped, including several fromthe Dojo toolkitand Script.
For more information about Trusted Extensions, visit the OpenSolaris security community or check out the Developers Guide. js file to manipulate thecontents of the list.
"Be part of a well-dressed crowd.
Once you download and unpack the jMakizip file, adding jMaki widgets to applications is quite easy.
Enroll in the 'Ten Moves Ahead' Partner Initiative to qualify. Notice that the service in this case is a JSP technology page. Sun Developer Expert AssistanceSun's new program offers help on a per-request basis to individual developers. You don't need to know any JavaScripttechnology to use the widgets, and you can reuse them in multiple pageswith minimal effort. Trusted Extensions is a reimplementation of Trusted Solaris, which government and military organizations have used for more than a decade to provide extremely high levels of security.
The script will also purge multiple directory entries from the path. This article will show you how. Sun's 'Ten Moves Ahead' Partner Initiative was created to help commercial developers port and deliver their solutions on the Solaris OS quickly and easily.
Please use one that does such as Mozilla or Firefox. To show you how easy it is to wrap a widget with jMaki, this articlewill now describe how the jMaki development team wrapped the Dojo InlineEditBox widget,included in the jMaki.
The target text appears in the editor, allowing the user to translate the text. You can view a map, then move your cursor across it to see adjacent areas almost immediately.
Using the Feedback tab, provide input to help us develop documentation that meets your needs more effectively. This article illustrates the common usage scenarios with examples and sample code. Using JConsole to Monitor ApplicationsIn case you missed it the first time, Mandy Chung's article is still available on the Sun Developer Network. You can put custom components in the palette for easyreuse. These services provide monitoring for heterogeneous OS and Sun hardware.
A nicer format than straight df and can be used on multiple operating systems.
For more information, talk to your Sun sales representative.
If the event occurs, the script continues from where it left off.
Components of a Widget WrappedWith jMakiA jMaki widget is composed of the following simple pieces:A component.
js file contains the mostly boilerplatecode you've seen before to implement the Ajax mechanism. Wrapping a Widget With jMakiBefore you get started learning how to wrap a prebuilt widget, youshould know that you might not even need to do so.
If you don't find what you need there, check out Dojo and other widget repositories to see whether you can use one from there and wrap it with jMaki.

Received on Tue Mar 13 19:36:39 2007

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