[robocup-rescue-s] Version 0.49

From: Cameron Skinner <cam@cs.auckland.ac.nz>
Date: Wed 22 Feb 2006 - 04:01:10 GMT

Hi Robocuppers,

Version 0.49 of the Robocup Rescue Simulation software has been
released. Please download the latest version from
http://www.sf.net/projects/roborescue and test it.

BE WARNED: The communication protocols have changed in this version, as
have most of the constants (e.g. PROPERTY_X, TYPE_WORLD, KA_SENSE etc).
There is a document in the "doc" directory that describes the new
protocol and constants.

You *will* need to modify your agent code to work with the new system.
Librescue contains an implementation of the protocol in C++. Some of the
simulators now use rescuecore; this has been included in version 0.49
and can be used by Java developers.

If you prefer to use your own communication libraries then you should be
able to make the relevant changes in less than a day.


Cameron Skinner
Artificial Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science
The University of Auckland
email: cam@cs.auckland.ac.nz
phone: +64 9 3737599 x82924
fax: +64 9 3737453
Department of Computer Science
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
robocup-rescue-s mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 22 05:21:56 2006

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