Re: [robocup-rescue-s] RoboCup Rescue simulator question

From: Arash Rahimi (
Date: Fri 11 Mar 2005 - 07:27:41 GMT

Dear Silvia,

Each MotionlessObject(Node/Road/Building) has two
properties 'X' and 'Y'. These properties together indicate
the exact coordinates of its center.

In addition, each moving agent(Civilian/FB/AT/PF) has
a property named 'Position' indicating it's exact position.
In the case of the position property being a MotionlessObject
you can simply compute the euclidian distance between these
two objects using the coordinates of both objects.

Arash Rahimi,
Member of S.O.S.

> Dear all,
> There exist some method to get the distance between two objects in the
> RoboCupRescue rescue simulator version 044?. For instance the distance
> between an fire Brigade agent and a fire?
> knows somebody something about that?
> Thanks,
> Silvia.
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