Re: Disaster Simulators

From: Takahashi Tomoichi (
Date: Thu 22 Apr 2004 - 00:42:24 GMT

Dear Mohsen and all;

I also think developing agents and simulators are closely related with
each other. They are both necessary in our community.

My personal opinions are following;
(1) There is no problem that a simulator developer is also an agent developer,
    when the code is open source.
(2) Disasters-type are different from regions, so there are different
    parameters/ models for the disasters. It means there may be different
    disasters simulators. In future competitions, agent will compete at
    situations created by different simulators.
    (proposal of a matter to be discussed in future TC:)

Best regards,

Tomoichi Takahashi, team Hinomiyagura

Tomoichi TAKAHASHI, Dr. Eng.

  1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya, 468-8502, Japan
  Meijo University
  Faculty of Science and Technology,
  Department of Information Sciences

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