Proposal[Part #1: Simulation Environment]

From: Mohsen Izadi (
Date: Sun 14 Dec 2003 - 15:39:14 GMT

Dear Friends,
Here's our team's proposal for 2004 competitions.
Our proposal consists of several parts. In this
e-mail I have only attached proposals regarding
the simulation environment.

Mohsen Izadi,
S.O.S. Member

a) Simulation Environment

a-1) In a real situation, when an earthquake occurs,
    it is usually followed by a chain of [often
    weaker] earthquakes. This chain also causes
    building collapse and road blockades. We propose
    that the blockades and collapse simulators support
    this feature for 2004 competitions.
a-2) Kernel should generate random IDs for units in
    each simulation. This means that the ID generated
    for a building in each simulation should be
    different from the next one.
a-3) Agents should be able to specify exactly to which
    part of a road do they want to move. In other
    words agents should be able to set PositionExtra
    property for a target road.
a-4) Multiple Nozzles: There are two points about the
    concept of multiple nozzles :
  1) Is there any limits on sum of the amount of water
    in an agent's nozzles in a cycle?
      - Our proposal is: Yes! There should be such a
       limit. But how much? We think that if it is
       possible for an agent to have 'n' nozzles of
       power 'p', then it should also be possible
       for it to have a single nozzle of power 'n*p'.
       It means that this limit should exactly be
       equal to the limit for a single nozzle. In the
       real world, if we consider a tank which
       contains water and the robot applies a certain
       amount of pressure to the water from inside the
       tank to pour a certain amount of water outside
       the tank, then two facts are obvious :
        ) First, there is a limit on the amount of
         pressure that the robot can apply to water
         from inside to pour it out and the amount
         of water pouring outside is proportional
         to amount of this pressure.
        ) If we have a tank with 2 holes then because
         of the fact #1, maximum sum of poured water
         from these 2 holes is not more than the
         maximum sum of poured water from a single
        And our proposal for the amount of water is
        1000 [m^3/cycle](Like previous years).
  2) Is there any limits on the number of nozzles?
      - Our proposal is: No! As long as the first
       limit is applied, there is no need to limit
       the number of nozzles.

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